GEK Attorneys Play Essential Roles in CAAA and SCAAA

Workers' Compensation attorneys from the law firm of Gordon, Edelstein, Krepack, Grant, Felton & Goldstein, LLP (GEK) remain dedicated and active members of the California Applicants' Attorneys Association (CAAA) and its Southern California Chapter, SCAAA. So much so, that they continue to hold leadership positions in both groups.

Both CAAA and SCAAA are staunch advocates for the rights of injured workers throughout California.

GEK Partner Steve R. Scardino has been named Treasurer of CAAA's Executive Committee. He previously served as the group's Secretary.

"I am extremely proud to give my time to a cause that means so much to so many people," Scardino says.  "As treasurer, my responsibility is to closely monitor the financial well-being of CAAA, and to ensure we are in compliance with the strict requirements involved in managing our non-profit organization. 

"CAAA's desire to educate the community at large along with the legal community is one way to reduce the bureaucratic impact felt by injured workers in California Workers' Compensation system," says Scardino.  "I am honored to be a part of this process, and delighted to be a part of CAAA."

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Joining Scardino in this activism on behalf of injured workers of California is Co-Managing Partner Adam Dombchik who is past president of CAAA, and remains a member of the organization's Board. He is joined on the Board by GEK Senior Attorneys Joanna Sacavitch and Erika Vargas.

"Being part of the CAAA Board allows me to have a say in how the organization advocates on behalf of injured California workers, and supports the hard-working practitioners who face daunting odds in the fight for basic benefits for our clients," says Vargas, who just completed her tenure as president of SCAAA.

This sentiment is echoed by Sacavitch. "With CAAA's ongoing interest and involvement in Workers' Compensation practice and procedure, we have a meaningful seat at the table regarding policies that impact all of us, " she says. "Unless you have been injured on the job, with the horrible physical, emotional and financial consequences that go with it, it is hard to understand how important these policies are." 

GEK's leadership role in SCAAA is now in the hands of Senior Attorney Amy Leung, who was recently appointed Secretary of the organization, a four-year commitment that will culminate in presidency.

"I look forward to being on the Board and being an integral part of SCAAA," she says. "It is imperative that we continue to fight for the rights of injured workers on a local and state level. GEK has long been on the frontlines for those hurt at work both individually and on a legislative level, and we are committed to continue to fight the good fight."


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