Nail Gun Accident Disables Carpenter
Personal Injury attorney Roger Gordon filed suit on behalf of a carpenter whose nail gun accidentally discharged, but who didn't realize for two weeks that the 3-inch nail had penetrated his brain.
The 55-year-old journeyman was installing skylights when his nail gun recoiled and struck his upper lip, causing profuse bleeding. At the hospital, physicians sutured the cut, unaware that a nail had penetrated the carpenter's head. He went back to work, but returned to the hospital after experiencing severe headaches and dizziness for two weeks. Surgeons removed the nail once an x-ray revealed it, but our client had suffered significant neuro-cognitive injuries.
The defectively designed nail gun uses a contact-trip firing system that allows a nail to be fired if it touches a surface while the trigger is pulled back.
"Our client will never work again in an industry that supported him for nearly 40 years," said attorney Gordon. "He is permanently disabled by intense headaches, extreme fatigue, dizziness, numbness in his lower limbs and severe depression."
Gordon has represented many clients in workplace-injury and defective product lawsuits, and has won numerous multi-million-dollar verdicts for clients.
Attorney Adam Dombchik is handling the carpenter's Workers' Compensation claim. The law firm has a long history of coordinating successful outcomes in similar third-party cases where there are both a personal injury lawsuit and a Workers' Comp claim.