Roger Gordon Represents Mechanic Suffering From Fatal Lung Cancer Mesothelioma
Personal Injury attorney Roger Gordon filed suit on behalf of a client suffering from the fatal lung cancer mesothelioma, which is caused by exposure to asbestos. The defendants are Honeywell International, Inc., Bendix, Lucas Industries, and Volkswagen of America.
Our client worked as a brake and clutch mechanic for several years almost 30 years ago, breathing in dust and fibers from the removal and installation of asbestos-containing products: Bendix brake linings and Lucas clutch plates. It takes 15 to 30 years for the cancerous process to manifest from the time of the exposures. The suit states that the manufacturers' knew that asbestos was hazardous, but intentionally withheld the information from both their employees and consumers.
Mr. Gordon is experienced in representing clients in mesothelioma lawsuits. In a previous mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit, the widow of a 60-year-old electrician who had died from mesothelioma was awarded $750,000.