SB 863

What Injured Workers Need to Know About This New “Reform”

Senate Bill (SB) 863—the latest Workers' Compensation "reform" legislation—was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on September 18, 2012. This bill has drastically affected California's injured workers. However, our Workers' Compensation attorneys are fully equipped to overcome any challenges our clients may face as a result of this law.

We continue to analyze SB 863 and educate the community about it. In addition, we actively participate in its implementation to ensure that injured workers receive just and fair compensation for their injuries and timely medical treatment. 

We are confident that the following information will prove helpful:

Final Regulations Set for the IMR Process

Understanding Independent Medical Review: Fighting for Medical Care

With 2014 Comes More Changes Due to SB 863

The Problem with IMR is UR

Injured Workers’ Advocates Release Free IMR Podcast

Taking a Creative Look at SB 863 and Independent Medical Review

Know Your Rights to Medical Treatment for Work-Related Injuries (Regardless of Date of Injury)

Labor Code Inclusion Is a Positive Aspect of Senate Bill 863

New Workers’ Compensation Law Leads to Independent Medical Review Process

Senate Bill 863 – Governor Brown and the Legislature Reform Workers’ Compensation… Again

SB 863: Why Are Worker Advocates In Opposition?

We Must Stand Up Now Against SB 863

The proposed workers’ compensation legislation would harm teachers and school employees who are injured and cannot return to their jobs

Court Clarifies Procedure for Spinal Surgery Disputes in Workers’ Compensation Cases

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